17 April 2009


Spring snowstorm hits Denver! Inch upon inch of heavy, wet, slushy stuff! Well, at least the grass and trees will be happy... And I'll probably have to mow as soon as the snow melts.

Any snow event in Denver makes for fun traffic shenanigans... Like the Jeep Wrangler that left a parking lot right behind me. I was a little deprived in the traction department, and I think the Jeep figured he'd scoot around me and then get back in my lane to make the right turn we both needed to make. He got past me, all right... He then mashed on the Stop Pedal and did a nice pirouette to the left in front of me. At least that took him out of my way. He got back facing the right direction... And had to fall in line right behind me, where he started off anyway.
