31 December 2009

Welcome to The Panic Channel!

We visited my 90-year-old Grandmother recently. Much of the time we were there, the TV was tuned to CNN. The ONLY story that was covered that entire time was the failed Delta (Northwest, whatever) airline bombing. It was mainly hand-wringing and finger-pointing over the "failures" that led to this poor boy deciding to light his crotch on fire. "Terror In The Skies!" "Security Failures!"
Never mind that to actually prevent this, we're getting into the sci-fi stuff of the movie Minority Report, where "precogs" (see below) foresee crimes that MIGHT be commited by an individual, enabling the "pre-crime division" of law enforcement to pre-emptively arrest the individual. Yowza.
"precog" from Minority Report

Wait, there was one other story: Breathless LIVE coverage of the mysterious abandoned van in Times Square.

I will henceforth refer to CNN exclusively as The Panic Channel. My poor Grandmother is all tied in knots worrying about what's happening to the world. Shame on you, CNN. This all reminded me why I don't bother watching the news (other than local) anymore.

Now, back to our irregular programming.